Loksophy Design's profileKa Lok Hong's profile

853 facemask™ x LOKSOPHY

853 facemask™ x LOKSOPHY

This is a joint promotion project of local enterprises, through mutual resources and common goals, to create a win-win cooperation effect. 853 facemask™ is a strat-up production factory, Loksophy is a start-up design studio too. Macau Design x Made in Macau" as creative idea and brief for the project. The purpose is to enahnce both consumers confidence and consumption motivation, also be proud of Macau Brand. Because of the different industries, scope of audiences, the entire project was success communicate in mass market through design stragtic, packaging, visual identity and advertising etc.

我們與本地優質口罩品牌853 Face Mask聯乘合作,推出一系列品牌形象推廣產品,以設計為雙方企業形象賦能。澳門設計 X 澳門製造 為這次合作項目的方向,目的是是增強消費者的信心和消費動機,同時為澳門品牌感到驕傲。由於行業不同、受眾範圍不同,整個項目通過設計策略、包裝、視覺識別、廣告宣傳等方式成功地在大眾市場上傳播。

創意總監 Creative Direction - Hong Ka Lok
 平面設計 Graphic Design - Hong Ka Lok & Fearless Lei

853 facemask™ x LOKSOPHY

853 facemask™ x LOKSOPHY
